Clubs – SD Vidya School, Noida Skip to main content Skip to search


Co-Scholastic Clubs

Speaker Club
Speakers club provides a platform for language learners to develop their public speaking skills. Like an international toastmaster, it is a club one delivers and observes each other’s speeches.

Pupils who join the club …

  • Develop strong presentation skills as they practice speaking in front of each other.
  • Build their social confidence.
  • Hone their literacy skills and vocabulary to become more articulate.
  • Become more emotionally resilient as they provide feedback to each other.
  • Learn how to debate, present, negotiate and build rapport with others.
  • Produce a presentation which they can present to their class / in an assembly.

Eco Club
Eco Club play an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation: The activities under the club include:

1. Motivating the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
2. Promoting ethos of conservation of water by minimizing the use of water.
3. Motivating students to inculcate habits and life style for minimum waste generation/wastage, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
4. Educating students to create awareness amongst public and sanitary workers, so as to stop the indiscriminate burning of waste which causes respiratory diseases.
5. Sensitizing the students to minimize the use of plastic bags, by not throwing them in public places, as they choke drains and sewers, cause water logging and provide breeding ground for mosquitoes.
6. Organizing tree plantation programmes, awareness programmes such as Quiz, essay, painting competitions, rallys, nukkad natak etc. regarding various environmental issues and educating others about re-using waste material & preparation of products out of waste.

Art and Crafts Club
Arts and Crafts Club is a fun way for students to learn about making household objects into works of art. The activities are easy, thought-provoking, and educational. Crafts explore themes such as culture, science, and maths. Through these crafts, students learn background information about each of the themes. Upon completion of an activity, students are encouraged to share their artwork with their peers, friends and family. All of the activities in our online school Arts and Crafts Club are optional so students choose the lessons they would like to complete. Arts and Crafts Club is available to students in grades K–8. Art Club sparks students’ creativity by exploring two-dimensional and three-dimensional art, photography, and graphic design. Students are exposed to the nuances of each medium and have the opportunity to create and share their own creative designs. This club features Live Lesson® sessions during which students share artwork with peers and provide feedback on the artwork of other students.

Dramatics Club
A drama club gives students an outlet for interests that go beyond acting and leads to friendships across grades.

The benefits of drama and play

Drama builds confidence. …

Drama helps concentration. …

Drama helps develop language and communication skills. …

Drama encourages children to cooperate. …

Drama supports numeracy skills. …

Drama helps children to understand the world around them. …

Drama develops emotional intelligence.

Dance and Music Club
India is home to a stunning array of classical and folk art. Dance and music are integrated into the Indian way of life. Music can enrich your life. It can edify and inspire you and help you draw closer to Heavenly Father. Music has a profound effect on your mind, spirit, and behavior. Two types of Music learn: Vocal and Instrumental. The growing interest of the students in Dance has led them to go for several Performance and achieve many trophies.

Photography Club

School Photography Club lets students take home tons of memories, as well as the tricks to capture beautiful moments. Photographs and photography play an important role in our lives. We all have pictures of ourselves, the things we love, beautiful sceneries, etc. And photography is something beyond that. It is not just a way to express the beauty of things in the world, but also the beauty in the photographer’s mind. There is beauty in every small thing around us which we often fail to notice and enjoy. It is one way through which people see deeper into the things they like and appreciate them better.

Photography gives young minds a different perspective of things.
Photography is a way to shape human perception. Overall, photography is a way to convey to people the images you see in your mind. Mastering photography through a school photography club not only helps students in the micro aspects of this art but also on a broader level in life.
Photography is not just clicking pictures, it’s about keen analysis and observation. Eventually this will become a healthy habit in real life. To get a good click, a student needs to be observant of the location, subject and other tiny details they want in the picture. At S D VIDYA school photography is also a form of storytelling.
Each photograph taken in school has a story. The stronger the portrayal of the story, the better the photo. Overall, photography is more of a mental exercise. One has to capture the photo in his mind before capturing it on the camera. This can help students develop and exhibit their creativity, and also make them learn and develop a skill. Ultimately, it also enables them to capture moments that they can cherish for a lifetime.

At S D VIDYA we encourage students to showcase their creativity through their photographic skills. We have an exclusive School Photography Club that brings out the best in them and guides them.